高俊宏 Kao JunHonn
《 失敗者大敘事 》Grand Narrative of Loster , 2009
誠品畫廊Eslite Gallery Taipei
木作裝置installation:wood struction (2.6M*3.2M*3.2M)
本計畫以台北、雅加達、孟買等三個曾經經歷過殖民歷史的亞洲城市為主,製作出ㄧ系列關於某個不知名的「城市」的觀感。作品當中,有關於城市的建築攝影 / 文字描述 / 實際生活經驗紀錄 / 介於真假之間的城市導覽……都再再回應亞洲殖民歷史的「共時性」,以及未來可能的轉機。
本計畫影像部分前往印度孟買、印尼雅加達以及台灣能高安東軍稜線拍攝。裝置部分,以木作小皇宮結構(2.6M*3.2M*3.2M)、文件、錄像 (跨國影像拍攝剪輯)為主。
This project focuses on three Asian cities with a colonial past, including Taipei, Jakarta, and Mumbai, to create a series of perceptions of an unknown "city" .
The works include architectural photography / textual descriptions / documentation of real life experiences / city tours between the real and the ffiction ......,all of which revert to the "Synchronicity" of Asia's colonial past and the possible future.
The video part was shot in Mumbai, India, Jakarta, Indonesia, and Nengao-Andongjun Mountain Trail, Taiwan. For the installation, include Wooden Palace Structure (2.6M*3.2M*3.2M), Documents, Video (cross-country editing).